Thursday, September 18, 2008

[PG-Mark01] Example of market offering for a ready-made gardening unit

Example of market offering for a ready-made gardening unit [PG-Mark01 – V100-080918]

This is a typical commercial ad about a ready-made gardening unit (it even refers to us! :) The reply address has been deleted as this is an advertising-free blog, but it gives you an idea of what you can find and for how much! It will of course cost you at least 35% less if you do it yourself.)

Complete Ready-Made 4' x 8' Organic Food Garden For Sale - $499 (Anywhere! )
Reply to: [deleted, as this blog is not about selling anything]

Complete Ready-Made 4' x 8' Organic Food Garden For Sale - from $499 to $998 (and more!) per unit.

A standard unit is a 4 x 8 raised-bed wood unit filled with organic material (no need of digging the lawn or earth underneath, and it can even be installed on concrete or asphalt, or on a flat roof).

You can of course multiply these units, so to produce as much food as you and your family may need. Actually, you can even start a side business that way, growing food for other people in some sort of "Community-Supported Agriculture" deal!

Once in place, each raised-bed unit is seeded or planted according to your specifications.

Creating and maintaining your own food-producing Organic and Sustainable Gardens has been hailed as "The Key to Eating Right".

As for why you'd want to "Eat Right", there are numerous benefits to doing so. You can find them posted here: , along with a condemnation of fad diets, such as the infamous "Atkins Diet".

To put it short, Pr Dr T. Colin Campbell, the foremost American expert in Nutrition, Professor Emeritus in Nutrition at Cornell University and author of over 350 peer-reviewed papers on the subject of optimal nutrition, defines "the Standard American Diet" as "the toxic diet that has been shown to make us fat, give us heart disease, destroy our kidneys, make us blind and lead us to Altzheimer's, cancer, and a host of other medical problems." Is that reason enough for you to start to want to eat differently - something for which maintaining your own garden is the key?

IN HIS SEMINAL BOOK ON THE SUBJECT, Pr Campbell tells us: "At the beginning of this book, I said my goal was to redefine how we think of nutrition information -- eliminate confusion, make health simple and base my claims on the evidence generated by peer-reviewed nutrition research published in peer-reviewed, professional publications. So far you have seen a broad sample - and it is only a sample - of that evidence. You have seen that there is overwhelming scientific support for one, simple optimal diet -- a whole foods, plant-based diet." Basically, Dr Campbell's book is the most eloquent advocation of why we should all create and maintain our own gardens, although it is definitely not a book about gardening.

On of the book's chapters starts this way: "THE BENEFITS OF A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE ARE ENORMOUS. I want you to know that you can :

+ Live longer
+ Look and feel younger
+ Have more energy
+ Lose weight
+ Lower your blood cholesterol
+ Prevent and reverse heart disease
+ Lower your risk of breast, prostate and other cancers
+ Preserve your eyesight in your later years
+ Prevent and treat diabetes
+ Avoid surgery in many instances
+ Vastly decrease the need for pharmaceutical drugs
+ Keep your bones strong
+ Avoid impotence [and frigidity]
+ Avoid strokes
+ Prevent kidney stones
+ Keep your baby from getting Type 1 diabetes
+ Alleviate constipation
+ Lower your blood pressure
+ Avoid Altzheimer's"

This, actually, is just a sample list! And sure, eating right does not absolutely compel you to maintain your own Organic and Sustainable Garden... However, doing so just makes it 10 times easier and lest expensive to eat right, that's all.

So, perhaps it's time YOU thought about it... And yes, you can do it yourself (just read for ideas about how to do it!), but if you don't have the time or inclination to do it yourself, we can do it for you, at a very reasonable price.

In fact, you can even have it done for you at no costs to you in a barter deal!

However you approach the issue is of little importance.... as long as you DO IT!

Location: Anywhere!


[OG-Mark01 – V100-080918] Permalink:

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