Here is a good example of what to look for if you can't grow your own organic food yourself yet. This is an article describing a small local CSA, what it does, and how it interacts with its customers. You can find it here: under the title:
Down on Patrick's Farm
How one Peahi farmer grows food for Maui's people,
Here are a couple excerpts from the article:
Moser's farm -- For the last eight years Patrick Moser has managed a three-acre farm near the rural confluence known as Five Corners in the Peahi region of Haiku. Each Friday afternoon and Saturday morning, his loyal customers convene to buy his vegetables, herbs and free-range chicken eggs.
While recent discussions over transient vacation rentals have underscored the economic difficulties of making ends meet for local agricultural operations, Moser's Biodynamic Farm is a shining example of a small, successful working farm. A network of similar farm operations dotting the island would surely go a long way towards our sustainability and food security.
Read the rest at the link provided.
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