Organics Research Centre @ The University of Wales
In their own words, "Organic Centre Wales (OCW) was established in 2000 as a focal point for the dissemination of information on organic food and farming to producers and other interested parties in Wales. In 2003, it was agreed that it should extend its focus to public education, public procurement, policy and strategy development, thus providing support to the whole of the organic community in Wales. It is based at Aberystwyth University". This is why it is listed here, although most readers are probably living far away from Wales (Wales like in "Prince of Wales", Heir to the British Throne), because their public education efforts are outstanding.
OCW is run by a partnership of three organizations actively involved in organic farming research and knowledge transfer in Wales: ADAS, The Organic Research Centre Elm Farm and Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences at Aberystwyth University. OCW core staff are responsible for the co-ordination of the different areas of activity, with the partners responsible for much of the delivery of services to producers and others. The funding for OCW comes from the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) and Farming Connect (with additional support from the European Union EAGGF Objective 1 funds) to carry out the co-ordination functions, with additional funding for delivery through a separate WAG Organic Conversion Information Service contract and the Farming Connect Organic Development Programme.
The Institute for Biodynamic Research
"The Institute for Biodynamic Research is the oldest private research institute on organic and biodynamic farming in Europe. It focuses on the biodynamic approach but has lots of material relevant to standard organic practices".
ATTRA : Introduction to Permaculture: Concepts and Resources
By Steve Diver NCAT Agriculture Specialist Published 2002 ATTRA Publication #CT083
ATTRA stands for "Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas"
Abstract: This publication offers definitions and descriptions of permaculture and its central principles. It offers listings of resources and publications on permaculture in the United States, Australia, and worldwide.
Table of Contents
Introduction to Permaculture
Permaculture Defined
Characteristics of Permaculture
The Practical Application of Permaculture
The Ethics of Permaculture
The Principles of Permaculture Design
Permaculture Resources
United States
Around the world
Books on Permaculture
A Few Good Books for the Permaculturist's Bookshelf
Agroforestry Resources
E-Mail Discussion Lists, Web Forums, & e-mail Web Archives
Permaculture Web Links and Resources
Manuals, Primers, and Syllabi on Permaculture
On-Line Articles, Fact Sheets & Proceedings
Permaculture in North America
Permaculture in Australia
Permaculture in Europe
Permaculture Around the World
Plants for Permaculture
Permaculture Technologies
Bioregional & Eco-Village Links
Virtual Libraries on Permaculture & Sustainability
Agroforestry Web Sites
Holistic Management
About this Publication (formerly The Permaculture FAQ)
Ibiblio Permaculture Resource: The following is a very rich resource, but is set up in a very confusing manner that obviously has yet to see the hand of a web page specialist or graphic artist... :) As they say, use at your own risks! ;)
University of California Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program
"UC-SAREP provides leadership and support for scientific research and education in agricultural and food systems that are economically viable, conserve natural resources and biodiversity, and enhance the quality of life in the state's communities".
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